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The Yes Idiomas School

The Yes Idiomas School

Yes Idiomas is a friendly school in Aljaraque, Andalusia. Our staff are dedicated, hard-working and happy. We enjoy teaching, especially young learners. We pride ourselves on providing quality English classes and encouraging our teachers to partake in our ongoing training sessions.


Yes Idiomas in an official Cambridge Examination Centre. We employ and assist teachers to prepare students for the Cambridge exams. Teacher development is continual and we also provide opportunities for teachers to attend external training seminars. Our students are given the opportunity to take the Cambridge Young Learner exams (Starters, Movers and Flyers) and The main suite Cambridge Exams (A2, B1, B2 etc). Teachers are assisted and given guidance on how to prepare students.


At Yes we combine the use of the latest technology (interactive whiteboards/projectors/iPads) with more traditional methods and have a wealth of resources; games, puzzles, flashcards, toys etc. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards/ projectors, air conditioning and heating. Normally every teacher has their own classroom and all classes and levels are normally grouped together (where possible) so that teachers do not have to waste time moving from one place to another.
