Teacher development
Our teachers should have a CELTA, a degree and at least two years teaching experience.
Teachers attend at least two internal training seminars a month. You are given the opportunity to attend external training seminars: Oxford, Cambridge and Macmillan training days.
Conferences: We feel it is very important that our teachers have access to external training seminars and while we are very proud of our training development programme we also offer our teachers the opportunity to go the the ACEIA conference in Seville. ACEIA stands for Asociación de Centros de Enseñanza de Idiomas de Andalucia.. Our teachers have found this conference to be very useful. The conference is on all day and there are many seminars which you can go to for lots of ideas to help your teaching. Whether you are looking to add to your games repetoir or you need some extra knowledge when dealing with teenagers we feel that you will be very well prepared by working here.
Formal observations are given three times a year, where teachers are encouraged to try out new ideas. The focus is on teacher development.
Peer observations are part of our training programme.
Teachers are given Professional Development Interviews where they discuss their achievements and professional aims.
The Yes Idiomas management team is available for support and advice.
Training and support can also be available both in terms of financial support and teaching support to help teachers achieve their personal goals. This could be with external teaching courses or internal professional development.